Keto Diet Review


Reviewing the Keto Diet

by Andy Williams - last updated 26th March 2024

So, you've read an article about keto, or someone you know is on a keto diet. And if they are, I guarantee they will talk about it a lot! Once you've been told that weight loss is achievable while eating copious amounts of sausages, steak, eggs, and some foods that you thought were unhealthy, it's a bit hard not to look further and want to embark on a weight loss journey with a keto diet!

What is a keto diet? 

The ketogenic, or keto, diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein, and very low- or even no-carbohydrate diet that aims to put your body in a metabolic state we call ketosis. In ketosis, your body becomes extremely efficient at burning fat for energy. It will also turn fat into something called ketones in the liver, which can supply energy for the brain. The keto diet will drastically reduce carbohydrate intake and replace it with fat. This will also lead to a reduction in blood sugar and insulin levels, a topic that is extremely hot if you've ever been on TikTok!

Components of a keto diet include:

High fat: typically, 70 to 80% of your daily calories will come from fat.

Moderate protein: protein will usually make up around 20% of your daily calories.

Very low or no carbohydrate: carbs are limited to 5 to 10% of daily calories, meaning usually no more than 20 to 50 grams of net carbs per day.

Food suitable for a Keto Diet: Eggs, Berries, Nuts and avocado

So, what foods can you eat on a keto diet? 

Fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, or sardines, is very popular on keto. 

Meat, goes without saying, is one of the staple foods on keto – red meat, steak, ham, sausage, bacon, chicken, turkey. Pretty much every meat is okay on keto. 

Eggs, preferably omega-3 whole eggs, and if you are going on keto, I would try to source ethically. 

Butter and cream, yes, you heard it right, these two foods that would be banned on pretty much every other diet are okay on keto. 

Cheese, another offender on most diets, however, unprocessed cheese such as cheddar, goat, cream, blue, or mozzarella, are okay whilst on keto. 

Nuts and seeds are great for snacking and great for the keto diet – things like almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. 

Healthy oils, primarily you should be using extra virgin olive oil, but coconut oil and avocado oil are also popular. 

Speaking of avocado oil, avocados themselves are very popular whilst on keto, especially if you like freshly made guacamole. 

Low-carb veggies, mostly green or tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc., are also recommended.

So, what foods should I be avoiding if going on keto? 

Unfortunately, if you have a sweet tooth, sugary foods are out of the question. Things like soda, fruit juice, smoothies, cake, ice cream, candy – all of these are no good whilst on keto. 

Grains or starches, so basically wheat-based products such as rice, pasta, and cereal, will not benefit you whilst on keto. 

Surprisingly, fruit! With the exception of small portions of things like strawberries or berries, fruit is a no-go. 

Beans or legumes, such as peas, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc., should also be avoided. 

Root vegetables, so if you're a fan of potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, this is something you'll want to avoid if going on keto. 

This might sound contradictory, but low-fat or diet products should be avoided whilst on keto, as they are highly processed and often high in carbs, they won't do this version of a weight loss journey any favours. 

And this would be the killer for most people thinking of a keto diet – alcohol. Due to its carbohydrate content, many alcoholic beverages can throw you out of ketosis, therefore voiding your weight loss journey.

A lovely looking steak

So, what are the benefits of the keto diet? 

The keto diet has been linked to weight loss, and I'm sure if you've gone on TikTok, Instagram, or any social media platform, you will have heard of the keto diet, and people have had incredible results with improved blood sugar control for individuals with diabetes, enhanced cognitive function, and there is the potential that a keto diet can help with conditions such as epilepsy. 

However, I would urge anyone to approach this diet with caution and ideally after seeing your doctor, especially for people with pre-existing health conditions. But we cannot avoid the fact that people on keto see results! You may have heard Joe Rogan talking about the carnivore diet; it's hard to ignore people with such influence online.

So, how should I start a keto diet?

Educate yourself: before you begin any diet, and especially keto, really understand what this weight loss journey and diet will entail. Educate yourself around the science behind ketosis. Surely, you will want to know what your body is doing. You will want to know what foods to eat and avoid, of course, but educate yourself around the benefits and side effects also!

Assess your current diet: comparing the plan you are thinking of going on versus where you already are will give you a great indicator of how drastically you will need to change your current diets, which foods you eat now and enjoy that you may need to eliminate or reduce, and also which foods you may need to introduce.

Like most diets, planning your meals would be a key tip here, especially with keto because of the specific requirements in the diet. Needing 70 to 80% of your calories to be high in fat will mean you need to think ahead before eating. You may also need to plan your weekly shops completely differently.

Clear out foods that are non-keto: whilst on the keto diet, I have heard cravings can be quite high for foods that are not allowed, so to avoid temptation, remove foods high in carbohydrates and sugars from your kitchen, including any sweet, starchy vegetables, grains, and all of the fruit!

How crazy is it that we have to tell people to avoid fruit whilst on a diet? This does ring alarm bells in my head!

Consider supplements: some people find it helpful to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals that may be in low supply on a keto diet, such as vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and fibre. Consult with your doctor before starting any supplements.

Switching to a keto diet can cause changes in water and mineral balance, so make sure you're staying hydrated and monitor your electrolytes. Increase your water intake and consider consuming more salt to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

As always, I would recommend MyFitnessPal to track your progress. Using this app, you will be able to track your intake of carbs, fats, and proteins, ensuring you're following the diet correctly. It is very easy to throw yourself out of ketosis.

Listen to your body: everyone's experience with keto is unique. Pay attention to how you're feeling and adjust if needed. If you experience any negative side effects with keto, I would strongly recommend reconsidering if this is the right diet for you.

Doctor's opinions seem to be quite divided on the keto diet, so if it is something you're planning, what harm will it do to book an appointment with your doctor and chat it through with someone who will probably have more knowledge than you?

A woman not happy with the keto diet

My personal opinion on the keto diet: 

I remember a few years ago when I first went on the keto diet, I was extremely excited to think that some of my favourite, if not my most favourite, foods could allow me to lose weight. So, at 22 stone, unhappy and depressed, I stocked up my fridge with steak, eggs, sausages, and embarked on the keto diet, trying to put myself into ketosis and shed the fat. 

After about a week, I had got over the dizzy spells and started to enjoy the diet. I was one of those typical people that wouldn't stop banging on about keto. I joined the Facebook groups and probably lost a stone in weight. But, I was surprised how quickly the things I had loved so much started to become a chore. The appeal of a sausage started to waver, and my mouth would water just looking at that slice of bread. I then started to experience symptoms and side effects that I wasn't happy with. I won't go into details, but I immediately stopped the keto diet.

So, whilst the keto diet definitely was not for me, it would be unfair of me to try and make people avoid this diet. 

As I say so much in my blog, one size does not fit all; we are all different, and keto could be the answer to someone improving their life, succeeding on their weight loss journey, which in turn could lead to better mental health. 

So, who am I to discredit the keto diet? 

The only thing I would remind anyone is that fundamentally all of these diets that you have looked into need one thing: a calorie deficit. And if keto is the first diet you've heard about and are thinking of starting, I would just urge people to look at all of the options before making a decision.

Andy Williams also known as Uncomfortable Stretch and his weight loss transformtaion

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My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!

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