Category: Mental Health
How are you? Honestly! How is your mental health? It's genuinely okay to not be okay. If you would like to read about my perspective on mental health, coping mechanisms, and strategies, then you're in the right place.
I've discovered that mental health and physical health go hand in hand.
Mental health significantly impacts your weight loss journey in various ways. Our mental health and physical health are intertwined, and I believe our mental health is the overriding factor when it comes to the success or failure of weight loss. Let's explore the different ways mental health can affect us:
The question "How are you?" is used by everyone every day. But unfortunately, the reply "I'm fine" or "I'm good" is the overriding answer. But when we ask the question, "How are you?" how often are we genuinely interested in how that person is? Do we genuinely want to hear the answer and be there for support if needed?
Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you will agree that British drinking culture is deeply rooted in its history. We are known all over the world for our love of a pint, but there is a complex blend of social, economic, and historical influences here.
Mental health is now more than ever in the forefront of society. No matter who you are, we are encouraged to open up and talk. I've learned that mental health severely impacts our physical health.
The relationship between alcohol and mental health is intricate. Alcohol can severely influence one's mental state. Existing medical conditions can also lead someone towards alcohol consumption. Alcohol can temporarily ease feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression, offering a short-lived sense of relief or escape from everyday life.
About me
Hi and welcome to Uncomfortable Stretch!
My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!
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It may be the first time you've ever decided it's time to lose weight, or you may have tried multiple times to shed those extra pounds only to find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of yo-yo dieting. Most of us, at some point in our lives, will embark on a journey to improve our overall health and fitness or decide it's time to lose weight...