Is wine bad for you? We hear different opinions all the time!
by Andy Williams - last updated 26th March 2024
It's Friday, and after a long week at work, you decide to sit down to a nice glass of white or red wine. Then you remember you're on a health kick. With contradicting information everywhere about whether wine is good for you, let's delve a little further into the question: is wine bad for you?
Why Could Wine Be Bad for You?
Let's be honest from the outset and accept that consuming wine in excessive amounts, or indeed any alcohol, does lead to a range of health issues, including:
Increased risk of liver diseases, such as fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis.
Higher chance of developing certain types of cancer, notably in the liver, breast, mouth, throat, and esophagus.
Potential for addiction and alcoholism, affecting mental health, relationships, and overall quality of life.
Increased risk of heart issues like hypertension and heart failure with heavy drinking.
But like with anything in life, excessive consumption or engagement can have many negatives. It's important to consider whether there are any positives.
Can Wine Be Good for You?
For many years, scientists have studied wine consumption, and there is a general consensus that moderate wine consumption, especially red wine, can be associated with certain health benefits due to its content of antioxidants such as resveratrol, flavonoids, and tannins. These antioxidants can:
Improve heart health by increasing levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and protecting against artery damage.
Potentially reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes, in moderate drinkers compared to non-drinkers.
Is One Glass of Wine Good for You?
Considering the scientific studies, one glass of wine a day would definitely be considered as moderate drinking. Therefore, at these levels, wine can actually contribute to the health benefits mentioned before without significantly increasing the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption.
What Are the Health Benefits of Wine?
In addition to the health benefits mentioned regarding heart health and antioxidant properties, studies have also shown that wine can lead to an improved mental state, which contradicts some of my blog posts that enforce the point that alcohol has a negative impact on our mental health. So, with one glass of wine a day classed as moderate drinking and having an improved mental health because of it, should I change my opinion?
What Are the Negatives to Wine?
Before changing my opinion on anything, I guess I need to balance the argument by looking into the negatives of drinking wine. Many of you that have come to this blog will be looking at some sort of weight loss journey or health and lifestyle change, so some of the negatives to wine are:
Calorie Content: Wine contains calories that can add up quickly, potentially contributing to weight gain.
Alcohol Content: Despite its benefits, wine is still an alcoholic beverage. Misuse can lead to health issues, including addiction, liver disease, and increased risk of accidents.
Interactions with Medications: Wine can interact with various medications, altering their effectiveness or leading to adverse effects.
However, if you're not taking medication and you're drinking wine moderately, there are probably more negatives to a Dairy Milk.
Do You Have to Give Up Wine If on a Health Journey?
Based on the information given, we could come to the assumption that you do not have to give up wine in order to be successful in losing weight or indeed embarking on a health journey. If you enjoy wine and can drink it in moderation, it can be part of a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle. Factoring in the calorific content could, in theory, have zero impact on a weight loss journey.
However, individuals with certain health conditions or with a history of addiction should tread carefully when it comes to drinking alcohol every day, even if it is just one glass of wine. I would recommend consulting your doctor before integrating a daily glass of wine into your healthy lifestyle.
Will Wine Make Me Put on Weight?
So, if you've read my other posts, you'll know that calories will always play a part in weight gain or weight loss. Therefore, to answer the question of whether wine will make you put on weight, we need to look at the calorific content of a glass of wine, which equates to roughly 130 calories per glass.
To put that into context, it's just over half the calories of a Grenade bar. So, if you were willing to sacrifice that evening sweet treat for a glass of wine or indeed factor in 130 calories a day because you felt a positive effect on your mental health, who am I to say this isn't a good idea?
But like any aspect of dieting, moderation is key. I love a Grenade protein bar, but I can't eat 10 a day.
My Personal Opinion on Wine and Our Health:
To summarise, there are both negatives and positives to that daily glass of wine, but it is very evident that if well-managed and being very self-aware of what you are doing, this can indeed lead to a successful weight loss journey, even whilst having that one glass of wine a night.
Of course, you would have to consider other factors, such as can you stop at one glass of wine or after that one glass are you going to suddenly get the urge to eat that piece of chocolate in the fridge?
Maybe looking at the root cause of why you want to drink that wine is important – is it because it helps you deal with a stressful situation, or is it because it enhances the already good mood you're in? It's very easy on a weight loss journey to eradicate absolutely anything that we are told is bad for us, but nowadays the oxygen we breathe is unless we live in the mountains of Tibet.
If you're in control, it makes you happy, and it brings something positive to your life, then I say go for it. But I also say making sure you have the knowledge and understanding to ensure something as addictive as alcohol does not become something you are reliant on. As with anything, don't take my word for it, and always consult the advice of a medical professional or doctor.
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My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!
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