Hi and thanks for visiting Uncomfortable Stretch!
I'm Andy and over the last year I have lost a lot of weight! 7 Stone (44kg). You need to know, I'm not the kind of guy that could achieve this! Nobody would have thought I could have lost all that fat.
Now I want to share, I have one mission!
To help others change their lives!
Are you unhappy at the moment? Are you not satisfied with the way you look or feel? The current world we live in doesn't make physical or mental health easy anymore. When was the last time the doctor asked you if you are eating fruit? Is a McDonald's the option you take because you only have a 20-minute lunch break? If you are here, I believe you want to change your life, your physical health and/or your mental health.
I know you can change your life because I did!
Since June the 23rd, 2023, I have been on a weight loss journey. I call it that, but it is so much more now! I've created a different life! I couldn't scale stairs without becoming out of breath! I was known as the fat funny guy!
Today is March the 16th, 2024. I'm sitting at home in the South of England, happy! A lovely guy called Skyler today said to me, 'Andy, you look amazing'. I've not looked amazing for 20 years! This comment meant a lot!
During this weight loss journey I have learnt a few things!
The biggest thing I have learnt is one size does not fit all! Just because some ripped personal trainer is telling you what you should do on TikTok or YouTube, I think nine times out of ten, they could be wrong!
The reason why is they don't know you, they don't know on a scale of 1 to 10 how much you hate running, or what food you like. They don't know how stressed you are with your job or kids so all you want to do is relax and eat some chocolate in the evening.
You need to create your own journey! Choose the exercise, choose the food, choose the time scale, but ultimately choose the things you can sustain over a long period of time, actually choose the things you can implement forever.
It's not about a diet with a time limit, it's about creating a lifestyle change!
About me
Hi and welcome to Uncomfortable Stretch!
My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!
Let's connect
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It may be the first time you've ever decided it's time to lose weight, or you may have tried multiple times to shed those extra pounds only to find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of yo-yo dieting. Most of us, at some point in our lives, will embark on a journey to improve our overall health and fitness or decide it's time to lose weight...
If there's one thing I've learnt over the past year after losing 7 stone in weight (44 kg) (100lbs), it's that mental health and physical health go hand in hand. I now understand that every failed diet over the last 20 years was never really about the diet, but more about my mental health and mindset.
"Why Uncomfortable Stretch?
Sit in a room and ask a group of people to raise their hands as high as they can! Some people will raise them casually with bent elbows. Some will reach up with straight elbows and a smile on their face. Have a look around, I doubt very much that anyone in that room will have stretched up so their bum is off the chair, stood up, and is stretching with a slight grimace on their face. Nobody will get up off their seat, stand on the table, and reach up as high as their body will let them.
Because it's uncomfortable. The stretch is providing them with discomfort, and by human nature, we will not put ourselves into discomfort unless pushed by others or, rarely, ourselves. By training ourselves to feel comfortable while being uncomfortable is a skill that can change your life!"
Andy Williams is a professional blogger who writes for uncomfortablestretch.co.uk and is preparing to launch two additional blogs in 2024. He draws upon his own weight loss journey to inspire and assist others in transforming their lives.
Known as 'Uncomfortable Stretch,' he is passionate about helping individuals achieve weight loss and life changes, despite facing doubts about his own potential.
Based in Kent, UK, Andy is a father of four children, aged 21, 18, 12, and 10. When not writing for his blog, he can be found reading books by David Goggins or Men's Health Magazine, achieving his daily 10,000 steps, or playing Xbox."