Is 10,000 Steps a Day Important?


You'll hear the term 'Get in 10k steps' a lot when losing weight, but is it important?

by Andy Williams - last updated 26th March 2024

Part of the success on my weight loss journey, where I've lost over 7 stone (45 kilograms or over 100 pounds), has been the simple action of walking. The beauty of walking while on this weight loss journey is the significant calorie burn compared to the effort it requires. Whether you're just popping in a podcast and going down the road for 25 minutes or going on an epic hike through the woods, steps can play a pivotal role in helping you lose fat.

Where does 10,000 Steps a day come from?

So, you've decided it's time to step up your walking game. But where does the whole 10,000 steps thing come from? 

The concept originated in Japan during the 1960s. Dr. Yoshiro Hatano, a researcher and professor, spearheaded a study to combat obesity. The result was the Manpo-kei, a "10,000 steps meter," promoted to encourage healthier living through increased daily activity.

Some feet walking  in a beautiful setting

Why 10,000 Steps?

Is there any science that backs the 10,000-step theory? Is 10,000 steps an absolute necessity? Well, the idea behind the 10,000-step goal is rooted in the concept that modern physical activity, such as walking, significantly contributes to overall health. 

It's important to understand that while the number itself isn't strictly scientifically determined to fit each individual's needs, it's promoted as a general guideline. We need to remember that all of our journeys are individual, and we are all different. 10,000 steps is just a principle.

What Research Says About Walking and Health

Studies from all across the world recognise and highlight the benefits of walking, and my weight loss journey has proved this correct. 

Science indicates improvements in: 

Regular walking is also associated with a longer lifespan and improved mental health. Personally, I saw the improvement in mental health from day one of starting to walk, especially when there's a good podcast in your ears and sunshine up above.

Will 10,000 steps a day help me lose weight?

Achieving your 10,000 daily steps is proven to lead to various health benefits as mentioned earlier, it can also improve your metabolism and enhance musculoskeletal health. 

Importantly, the 10,000 steps goal seems to be accessible and achievable for many people, providing a sense of accomplishment. This target has become so commonplace that it encourages people to incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines.

So yes it will! Anything you do that burns calories will help fat loss, as long as you understand your nutrition

Mental Health and Wellbeing Enhancements

As I discovered during my weight loss journey, walking has a significant positive effect on mental health. 

It can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, boosting your mood through the release of endorphins and providing an almost meditative, stress-relieving experience. 

Now, I'm not saying that this would be the case for everyone, but it certainly was for me. And what's the harm in trying? Anything that impacts our mental and physical health positively will always be beneficial.

A person walking in the coutryside

Is More Always Better?

For some people, 10,000 steps could indeed be a little too much. Whilst more physical activity can lead to increased health benefits, balance is always going to be key. 

Overexertion without proper rest and recovery can lead to injuries and burnout. So, it's important to listen to your body and adjust your activity levels based on your personal health and fitness goals. 

If you are really struggling and suffering to hit these steps, then, of course, adjust it. And it might be worth speaking to your doctor when embarking on any form of exercise.

What if I don't want to walk 10,000 steps a day?

I personally quite enjoy cycling, and it's a great alternative for anyone who finds reaching 10,000 steps hard or boring. There are also other activities like swimming, yoga, and strength training; all of these can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. 

I think the main reason why I am an advocate for 10,000 steps a day is the significant impact you receive with not a lot of effort. 

However, this is personal to me, and people should always judge it for themselves.

How can I get more steps into my day?

Incorporating steps into your daily lifestyle is a fantastic way to improve physical and mental health. You can make simple adjustments such as taking the stairs instead of the lift or walking while taking a phone call. 

Maybe you drive to the train station every day when it's actually a 30-minute walk. I think if you sit down and analyse your day, you'll find plenty of opportunities to get in more steps.

Here are some tips to increasing your step count that may help:

Start Your Day with a Morning Walk: Kickstart your day with a brisk walk. It's a great way to wake up your body and mind while boosting your step count early in the day.

Take Walking Breaks: Instead of sitting for long periods, take short walking breaks. If you work at a desk, aim for a quick walk every hour to keep moving.

Use the Stairs: Skip the lift and take the stairs whenever possible. It’s an easy way to increase your steps and improve cardiovascular health.

Park Further Away: When driving to work or shopping, park further away from the entrance. This small change can significantly increase your daily step count.

Walking Meetings: If possible, conduct meetings on the go. Walking meetings are not only good for your health but can also boost creativity and productivity.

Walk and Talk: Catch up with friends or family over the phone while walking. It’s a productive and healthy way to multitask.

Explore New Routes: Keep your walks interesting by exploring new neighborhoods, parks, or trails. The novelty will make walking more enjoyable and less of a chore.

Join a Walking Group: Participating in a walking group can increase motivation and provide social support, making it easier to stick to your walking routine.

Now, if you've looked at your Apple Health or Garmin statistics and realised that your average daily step count for the last six months is 2,000 steps a day, a drastic increase to 10,000 may not be the best for you. 

Sometimes setting smaller incremental goals and tracking the progress is a better way of doing it. Perhaps increase your step count by 1,000 a day over the next 10 days. Or maybe increase this on a weekly basis. But setting a small, manageable goal usually leads to higher rates of success.

A man walking on his lunch break

Technological Aids and Their Accuracy

With the advancements in technology, understanding how many steps we take a day is a lot easier than when our Japanese friend invented the first pedometer. 

Your steps are probably already being tracked without you knowing, just by having your smartphone on you. Or maybe you've got a Garmin watch, Fitbit, Whoop, or Apple Watch. 

There are so many devices out there that can aid in our weight loss journey. But taking advantage of these technological advancements is a surefire way to help you attain the goals you are setting for yourself. And maybe that is 10,000 steps a day.

My Personal Opinion on 10,000 Steps:

I think 10,000 steps a day was a great target for me. It meant I was getting out and I enjoy walking. It wasn't physically too hard, but it burned a lot of calories when I was at my biggest. It introduced me to the world of podcasts, so the time I spent out walking flew by. With a bit of nice weather and listening to the Sickness and Health podcast, it became one of the favourite parts of my day.

I really enjoyed going out early and getting my walks in. Sometimes, I would look at my watch at 10:00 AM and I'd have 12,000 steps done, which gave me a real sense of achievement and a feel-good factor, knowing that I was positively impacting my physical and mental health so early in the day.

It was also an activity I could choose to do alone or with others, dependent on mood and circumstance. If I wanted some time alone to think and reflect, I'd put my headphones in and off I'd go. If my kids looked bored and needed to get out of the house, they were a great tool to use to get my steps in.

As I've said, we are all different and on our own individual journeys, and we should always tailor our journeys to us. I am a fan of 10,000 steps a day because it suited me, and I do believe it would benefit most people. But I also strongly believe it's important to find an activity that we can integrate into our daily life and create sustainable change, something that we will carry on doing for years to come and not just over the next few months and then stop, as I believe this encourages yo-yo dieting.

How about trying it for three days? For the next three days, hit your 10,000 steps through walking and integrating a few more steps into normal daily activities. Then assess it, see how you feel, and see if it's something you think you can carry on doing.

Andy Williams also known as Uncomfortable Stretch and his weight loss transformtaion

About me

Hi and welcome to Uncomfortable Stretch!
My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!



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