

Weight Loss Progress

Video Created 25th march 2024 by Andy Williams

281 days ago, I embarked on this weight loss journey. After losing over seven stone (45 kilograms, 100 pounds), it's incredible to think that I'm now starting callisthenics for beginners. A year ago, I could barely walk up the stairs.

Recording and uploading these videos has been a significant help on my weight loss journey, as it holds me accountable. It was never really about gaining views, followers, or subscribers online. It was about having the means to look back at myself, to remember how unhappy I was and how much I disliked my reflection.

I might not be doing handstand push-ups, but I'm burning calories, staying active, and most importantly, in complete control of my nutrition.

Andy Williams also known as Uncomfortable Stretch and his weight loss transformtaion

About me

Hi and welcome to Uncomfortable Stretch!
My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!

Let's connect


Starting your Weight Loss Journey!

Video Created 25th march 2024 by Andy Williams

In this video, I talk about how to start a weight loss journey and how while we want to tackle our physical health, we should be looking to tackle our mental health as the two go hand in hand. 

Our mind is why we stop doing anything in life, so in order to have the will and motivation to create a consistent journey and keep going when it gets tough, we need to work just as hard on our mental health as anything else in our journey to lose fat. 

I give the advice that we should cut the things and people out of our lives that have a negative effect on us and on our journey. Our journey should be unique to us as we are all different, and one size does not fit all. 

Stop waiting to start!

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Fat, Lazy, and Depressed!

Video Created 25th march 2024 by Andy Williams

Sometimes, I think it's important to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. It's so easy to make excuses as to why we haven't gone for that walk, why we've eaten unhealthily, or why we are putting on more weight. It's easy to put off the things that we may be afraid of or think we will find difficult.

If you don't have somebody who is going to be honest with you, maybe you have a feeder in your life, or that someone who continuously says they love you as you are. That's great, and you're very lucky to have somebody who cares so much. But sometimes, caring should come in the form of honesty. In order to succeed in losing weight or embarking on a weight loss journey, you need to be honest with yourself to help motivate yourself.

A lovely juicy burger!

It may be the first time you've ever decided it's time to lose weight, or you may have tried multiple times to shed those extra pounds only to find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of yo-yo dieting. Most of us, at some point in our lives, will embark on a journey to improve our overall health and fitness or decide it's time to lose weight...

A man holding his head in hands suffering with poor mental health

If there's one thing I've learnt over the past year after losing 7 stone in weight (44 kg) (100lbs), it's that mental health and physical health go hand in hand. I now understand that every failed diet over the last 20 years was never really about the diet, but more about my mental health and mindset.