How to Exercise from Home?


We don't all want to join a gym, but how do we exercise from home effectively?

by Andy Williams - last updated 26th March 2024

So, maybe you've just started or are in the middle of your weight loss journey, and you've decided it's time to join a gym. However, you've discovered it's not for you. You don't like the gym, or maybe you just don't have the time to go. Perhaps you have other commitments that make it too difficult to get to a gym. So, you've made the choice that you want to exercise from home. But how exactly do you do this effectively?

A woman working out from home with her young child

How to Set Up Your Home Workout Space

The first tip I could give someone wanting to work out effectively from home is to invest a bit of time and love into the space you are going to use. This could be a quiet area with a mat for yoga, a small selection of weights in your bedroom, or a trampoline in the garden. Whatever it may be, giving your home workout space a bit of love will make spending time there more enjoyable and therefore encourage you to complete your home workouts. Here are some tips on setting up your home workout space:

Exercise Equipment on a Budget!

If you are anything like me, and with the current economic crisis, you are watching your budget. I first started with a second-hand set of weights and set up a small bedroom gym. I think in total, it cost me £80, cheaper than one month's membership at Nuffield gym. So, whether you're looking to get weights, a yoga mat, or a running machine, here are some tips on getting equipment on a budget:

A woman working out from her front room

Benefits of Exercising at Home

If you've decided that the gym isn't right for you and you're excited at the thought of exercising from home, there are lots of benefits to doing so. And here are just a few:

Creating a Balanced Home Exercise Plan

Just because you're not hitting the gym and having appointments with a personal trainer doesn't mean it's not important to create a balanced home exercise plan. 

A balanced routine ensures that you are addressing all aspects of fitness. In my journey, I started with walking and jogging. I also used basic weights in my bedroom. I tried to incorporate yoga, which I fell in love with, and now callisthenics. 

The beauty of exercising from home is that I can change up and do anything I want for variety. A balanced home exercise plan will also help with injury prevention. Making sure you're not focusing solely on one type of exercise or muscle group, as this can lead to an imbalance. A balanced plan will help prevent this by equally distributing the workload across different body parts and making sure you're incorporating rest days for recovery. 

There are lots of mental health benefits to having a variety in your exercise routine. Different types of exercise can have various positive effects on your mental well-being, such as reducing stress or alleviating symptoms of depression. Having a balanced exercise plan and a mix of varieties keeps routines engaging and can help sustain motivation over time.

No-Equipment Workouts

So, I am currently following a programme called callisthenics for beginners. And what jumped out to me was the appeal of having no equipment and being able to do this exercise anywhere and everywhere, whether you're at home in the bedroom, or you decide to go round to the park on a summer's day, workouts with no equipment are effective, achievable, and cheap. 

We are so lucky to live in a world where YouTube was invented. I don't think there is a muscle group you cannot work without equipment. From walking, running, bodyweight exercises, yoga, Pilates, all of this is achievable with comprehensive, in-depth lessons on YouTube from the comfort of your own home.

Incorporating Cardio into Your Home Exercise

Sometimes when people hear the word cardio, it can be followed up with a large sigh. But cardio doesn't necessarily mean running until your knees hurt, and you have to lay in bed for two days. 

Cardio can be something as simple as a walk with a podcast, going up and down the stairs a few times, or even just sitting down and standing up over and over again from the sofa if that's what gets the heart rate up. Utilise online resources, especially YouTube, to find home cardio exercise routines.

A woman using a sofa to complete press ups

Staying Motivated Without the Gym Atmosphere

One slight problem I had at the beginning of my weight loss journey whilst exercising from home was motivating myself to get up and do it. 

Once you're in the car, driving to the gym, you've passed the point of no return. However, getting your ass off the sofa to go to whatever your space is where you carry out your workouts can sometimes be surprisingly difficult. 

So, here are some tips on how to stay motivated without the gym atmosphere:

Safety Tips for Home Exercise

I had a couple of close calls myself at the beginning of my journey whilst doing bench presses in the bedroom. So, I would like to touch on safety tips for people doing home exercise. 

The last thing any of us want is an injury. Why? It will hurt. And two, it can stall your journey. So here are some little tips:

Emergency Plan: Have a plan in place for emergencies, especially if you're working out alone. Let someone know your workout schedule or share your location with a trusted friend or family member.

A guy working out in his living room

My Personal Opinion of Exercising from Home:

I am a big fan of exercising from home. I really enjoyed, at the beginning of my weight loss journey, going up to the bedroom, putting on music of my choice, and having a couple of hours doing the weights. There was no pressure, no one watching me or judging me. I could pause and jump on Google or YouTube and make sure I was doing things properly. 

And best of all, it was dirt cheap.

Now, I am not saying that people shouldn't join gyms. When I joined my first gym, Rochester Health Club, I fell in love with the place. The atmosphere, advice, and people with like-minded attitudes. It was a fantastic place to be. But because of certain circumstances, I won't go into, it's not as easy for me to get there now. 

So I am back to working out from home.

In about two hours, I've got a little calisthenics session from home, and I've got a dog walk this evening. I'm hitting my cardio, working on my muscles, and burning calories. And it's all free.

I don't think working out from home should have any stigma attached to it. I think people should embrace it. And if you know anyone that does work out from home, the fact that they're pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone while literally inside the comfort zone they live in, then all credit to them!

Andy Williams also known as Uncomfortable Stretch and his weight loss transformtaion

About me

Hi and welcome to Uncomfortable Stretch!
My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!



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