Category: Exercise
Are you looking to start exercising? Lacking motivation to exercise? Hate running? Well, I believe that there is exercise in some form out there for everyone, and it can help us live longer, which is a bonus!
Part of the success on my weight loss journey, where I've lost over 7 stone (45 kilograms or over 100 pounds), has been the simple action of walking. The beauty of walking while on this weight loss journey is the significant calorie burn compared to the effort it requires. Whether you're just popping in a podcast and going down the road for 25 minutes or going on an epic hike through the woods, steps can play a pivotal role in helping you lose fat.
Whether you're at the beginning of a health journey or halfway through a weight loss journey, most people will ask themselves, should I join a gym? This could even be their first step towards better health. For me, it was about one month in. So, in this post, I want to look at whether you should join a gym?
So, maybe you've just started or are in the middle of your weight loss journey, and you've decided it's time to join a gym. However, you've discovered it's not for you. You don't like the gym, or maybe you just don't have the time to go. Perhaps you have other commitments that make it too difficult to get to a gym. So, you've made the choice that you want to exercise from home. But how exactly do you do this effectively?
About me
Hi and welcome to Uncomfortable Stretch!
My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!
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It may be the first time you've ever decided it's time to lose weight, or you may have tried multiple times to shed those extra pounds only to find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of yo-yo dieting. Most of us, at some point in our lives, will embark on a journey to improve our overall health and fitness or decide it's time to lose weight...
If there's one thing I've learnt over the past year after losing 7 stone in weight (44 kg) (100lbs), it's that mental health and physical health go hand in hand. I now understand that every failed diet over the last 20 years was never really about the diet, but more about my mental health and mindset.
So you've started your weight loss journey, and you start to hear that protein is the Holy Grail of health and fitness. You've always seen those Grenade bars on the shelf but opted for the cheaper option. But now, your mindset is starting to shift: 20 grams of protein and only two grams of sugar – it all seems too good to be true. But how important is protein whilst on a weight loss journey?