The Motivation to Lose Weight


How did I get the Motivation to lose weight? What Changed?

by Andy Williams - last updated 07th Aril 2024

The Day That Changed Everything

So, on June 23rd, 2023, it was a day like any other. I had been working as a GM at Nando's in central London, commuting nearly 3 hours on a train where people rarely sat next to me because of my size, and I worked a 10-hour shift. That day, my area manager gave me feedback that I wasn’t in the restaurant enough, which was yet another blow to my mental health. I knew the amount of hours I had been putting in, despite my zero work-life balance. And, bear in mind, the primary role of a regional manager at Nando's is to drink alcohol (I’ll stop complaining). But ultimately, I was in a bad mood!

That evening, I was home alone; the kids were in bed. I'd had probably my 6th Guinness, and something switched. I don’t know what it was, but something happened! A collision occurred between my Mental Health, My Physical Health, and maybe the angel on one shoulder actually managed to shout louder than the devil on the other.

Andy Williams 'Uncomfortable Stretch' in Nandos

The Wake-Up Call: Confronting My Reality

This evening was one I will never forget; I started to analyse myself deeply, and I didn't hold back. What exactly was my current situation?

Overworked: I worked a lot, for a company I had fallen out of love with and dreaded going to work.

Overweight: I was overweight. Sorry, that's too kind. I was fat, very fat. On this day, I weighed in at 22 stone (140 kg, 300 lbs).

Too Fat to Do Things: My weight physically impacted me. Tying up my shoes, running up the stairs, my belly hung over my belt buckle and would get very sore—the list was long!

Alcoholic: I was an alcoholic. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I drank every day. Nando's allowed us to claim back alcohol on our expenses, so it was too easy to destroy myself. I was easily drinking 10 Guinnesses a day.

Depressed: I was severely depressed. I hated my reflection, was unhappy in my marriage; what future could this absolute loser actually have?

Mental Health: My mental health was shot, some days giving the appearance that everything was fine (all a big act), other days I'd just want to stay in bed and hope the world forgot I was there.

Broke: My finances were in the toilet. To be fair, they have never been amazing, but with the rising cost of living, large commuting fees, and supporting 4 children, it was all too much.

Futureless: I couldn't see a future to be proud of, and based on the previous points, who could blame me!

So I had had enough! Nobody was going to help me; I had tried.

Andy Williams 'Uncomfortbale Stretch' drinking alcohol in Monaco

My Mental and Physical Health

I started to believe that if I could change my mindset, I might have a chance of changing my life. However, after 20 years of yo-yo dieting and every weight loss attempt ending in failure, I needed to figure out how this time would be different.

So, why did diets fail for me?

They usually started well; I would throw myself into them wholeheartedly. But then, they'd either just fizzle out, or I would concoct some excuse as to why it wasn't the right diet for me.

Every time I embarked on a weight loss journey, I had made a choice, either consciously or subconsciously, to stop. So, it was my mind; my mental health was preventing me from improving my physical health.

Why This Time Was Different?

I realised that I didn't just need a diet; I needed a significant, yet sustainable, life change. I had to cultivate a life that positively impacted me, one that I enjoyed more than my current existence. It was time to let the angel on my shoulder drown out the devil on the other. I needed to:

And indeed, they were!

The Strategy: Mapping Out My Journey

Having set my initial weight loss strategy, here’s how I broke it down:

Things were finally starting to look up!

Andy Williams 'Uncomfortable Stretch' weighing 22 Stone, the fattest he'd been

How did I start the Weight Loss Journey?

How did I start this huge change? My journey began with a deep dive into my eating habits using My Fitness Pal. Astonishingly, I discovered I was consuming a staggering 5000 calories a day just to maintain my weight at 22 stone. Recognising the need for change, I entered a calorie deficit, armed myself with my Garmin Fenix 6 Pro for step tracking, and committed to drinking 2 litres of water daily, meticulously comparing calories burned against calories consumed.

Daily Weigh-ins

Contrary to general advice, I found comfort in weighing myself daily. This approach isn't for everyone due to the potential discouragement it might cause. However, for a numbers person like me, tracking progress was both motivating and insightful.

Nine Months of Transformation

Fast forward nine months, and the results have been nothing short of miraculous: nearly 8 stone (45 kg, over 100 lbs) vanished, leaving me with the best mental health of my life and a renewed perspective.

Finding and Keeping Motivation

People often ask, "How did you stay motivated?" The answer lies in variety, and love for the activities I chose. 

Alternating between walking, lifting dumbbells, and cycling kept boredom at bay, allowing me to find joy in a selection of positive activities that didn't demand David Goggins motivation!

Andy Williams after extreme weight Loss

Conquering Alcohol Dependence

A pivotal moment was confronting my alcohol consumption. That decisive night, I poured down the sink of all my alcohol, marking the end of its negative influence on my life. 

Alcohol's departure meant silencing the Devil on my shoulder once and for all.

Navigating Through Life's Storms

My journey was not without its storms. Confronted with an unfaithful wife for the second time (same person), the challenge to maintain focus on my goals tested my will power like never before. Additionally, my quest for mental health support through the NHS and my GP was met with the disheartening advice that my issues were far too complex for their limited sessions, leaving me to face my battles alone.

Inspiring Change in Others

As I share my journey, my aim is not just to recount my experiences but to inspire others who might see themselves in my story. If someone as weak as I was can redefine their life, so can you! 

Remember, it's never too late to transform your life for the better.

This weight loss blog post marks the beginning of a series where I'll detail every step of my journey. I hope you'll join me, find inspiration, and perhaps ignite your own path to wellness and happiness. Remember, change is within reach, even for those who feel they've tried and failed countless times. Together, let's prove that transformation is possible.

Andy Williams also known as Uncomfortable Stretch and his weight loss transformtaion

About me

Hi and welcome to Uncomfortable Stretch!
My name is Andy Williams and I am passionate about helping people who want to change their lives without hating the journey!



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